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Legion of Mary (English/Spanish/Creole)

Holy Family - St. Laurence R.C. Parish
9719 Flatlands Ave.
Brooklyn, NY 11236
Please contact the parish office for details. 

Legion of Mary is a missionary activity in the parish. We recognize that people come to Jesus through Mary, and we promote devotion to the Sacred Mother of God by going around the parish and individual’s homes and distributing information, encouraging prayer for people who are faced with various difficulties.


St. Laurence Worship Site:
English: Thursdays following the 9:00 AM Communion Service in the 1020 basement.
Spanish: Saturdays at 11:00 AM in the Parish Office.

Holy Family Worship Site:
English: Mondays at 7 PM in the rectory.
Creole: Thursdays at 7 PM in the rectory.